Monday, August 27, 2007
The Portland Peeper

It is not the activities of the peeping tom that bear any resemblance to the behaviour of gorillas. Everything happens outdoors in the wild, so a female ape powdering her nose is of no great concern to anyone but the insects scuttling below. Even the sight of apes mating is only enthralling to human naturalists who are into that sort of thing. If I happen to pass a male gorilla mounting a female, I give him a polite grunt and hasten on my way (unless he is mounting one of my females, when I punch his lights out).
No, it is the humans who apprehended the miscreant who acted in a manner worthy of their hairy cousins. First, in the robust action they took against an intruder who had violated their sacred taboo. There are times when a bit of mob violence is necessary to disrupt the designs of the lone nut who would bring dishonour to the neighbourhood. But what really made my heart soar like a hawk was their instinctive awareness that the prisoner should be tied to a tree. This is an age-old gorilla custom that is standard operating practice for keeping scoundrels under lock-and-key before deciding upon their ignoble fate.
I myself have spreadeagled countless simians on trees before bringing them to justice. Not for being peeping toms, of course, you have to do something far worse than that to taste bark in the jungle. The most serious offender I ever dealt with was a murderous chimpanzee whose reign of terror had decimated the local chimp population. I mercifully spared his life. His punishment was to be butt-fucked by a kinky gorilla (not me) in front of his former subjects, who jeered and taunted him as his dignity dissolved in rapine. This utterly broke the spell he had over them, allowing me to release him back into the community. We gorillas favour a progressive policy in the rehabilitation of felons.

Labels: Oregon, peeping tom, tree-bondage
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Yay I am First..........
I think your 'butt-fucking' justice could work on a large percentage of the population Mr Bananas , it may however lead to others to break the law in order to secure some form of sex life , such is the complexity of human sexuality.
I believe there are some who find Eastenders 'Fat' Pat Butcher attractive.........
I think your 'butt-fucking' justice could work on a large percentage of the population Mr Bananas , it may however lead to others to break the law in order to secure some form of sex life , such is the complexity of human sexuality.
I believe there are some who find Eastenders 'Fat' Pat Butcher attractive.........
Of course there's also the legendary case of musician Chuck Berry who would make recordings of ladies visiting the loo in his bar.
Funny how there never seems to be any women caught doing the whole Peeping Tom thing...The only way I could imagine a woman making tapes of men peeing would be in a campaign to discover who it was that left the toilet seat up.
Funny how there never seems to be any women caught doing the whole Peeping Tom thing...The only way I could imagine a woman making tapes of men peeing would be in a campaign to discover who it was that left the toilet seat up.
Who wants ot see woman using the bathroom...and what kind of woman are using these nasty bathrooms anyway! Tree bondage sounds like fun...except all the bugs!
I had a 'Tom' once. He also nicked me knickers off the line.
The police caught him 'Sweeney' style and my underwear was saved. Turned out he was our milkman - obviously interested in more than his daily pint!
The police caught him 'Sweeney' style and my underwear was saved. Turned out he was our milkman - obviously interested in more than his daily pint!
Coming here would be a waste of a vacation. I try to tell that to every tourist I see. Though we have good beer and the occasional interesting rock...I'm relatively certain you'd find it lacking in every other way.
However, if you do decide to sojourn to the land of men who wear socks with their sandals...come by for brunch...I FINALLY know how to make bacon.
However, if you do decide to sojourn to the land of men who wear socks with their sandals...come by for brunch...I FINALLY know how to make bacon.
Has anyone else noticed that picture looks remarkably like pop empresario and X factor guru Loius Walsh......
Beast: The chubby-chaser is indeed an interesting breed - remember Benny Hill in the Italian Job? Having googled this Walsh character, I'd say there was a passing resemblance.
Misssy: Not many women find flashers entertaining either. Some things just look better concealed.
Jenny!: So you've never met a man who wanted to watch you pee? Tell us about it when you do.
Minx: I hope you put your undies in the wash after retrieving them.
Raffi: It's one of the few acts that can be performed without rehearsing. Not my cup of pee though.
Kara: Are you going to keep tabs on the Berkey case so you can fill me in when I arrive? You should write something about this yourself. It happened in your neighbourhood.
Misssy: Not many women find flashers entertaining either. Some things just look better concealed.
Jenny!: So you've never met a man who wanted to watch you pee? Tell us about it when you do.
Minx: I hope you put your undies in the wash after retrieving them.
Raffi: It's one of the few acts that can be performed without rehearsing. Not my cup of pee though.
Kara: Are you going to keep tabs on the Berkey case so you can fill me in when I arrive? You should write something about this yourself. It happened in your neighbourhood.
Just how much scorn do you like, GB? Do your females put a collar and lead on you and make you sit under the table while they have lunch? Or make you dance for them, dressed in a tutu? I suspect all that chest-thumping hides a secret penchant for a bit of S&M.
I suppose 'chubby chasing' makes evolutionary sense to the less than alpha male of the species. The object of their desires is Too fat to run away from amorous advances , and plenty of adipose 'cushioning' to feed the resulting offspring in times of famine ...... win , win situation
I do believe I agree with your style in dealing with deviants in any society, more buggery by large coconuts, they play rugby well and can also give what for when necessary.
are you sure he has been tied to the tree? I think he is trying to listen to the trees. An old children's book used to say you should wrap your arms around a tree and press your ear up close to hear its secrets.
I tried this once, but all I got was a woodlouse stuck in my ear.
I tried this once, but all I got was a woodlouse stuck in my ear.
Your insight into human behaviour is as ever very helpful Mr Bananas. However I was horrified about the desire to watch people pee till I read Jenny!s post....
Lady Daphne: Mostly I like the sarcasm, although I do get sat on from time to time.
Beast: And no need for a rubber dinghy if you're shipwrecked.
Zuba: The pineapple is a more effective buggery tool, but fruits don't often make good rugby players.
Mermaid: I'm a great fan of trees, but I've not yet met one with the gift of the gab. I think you need a dose of reality in the jungle, Mermaid.
Jenny: He wouldn't need to if you did it standing up.
Mutley: I'm sure you'll find many more horrors if you google "women peeing". You could then teach Jenny to pee standing up.
Beast: And no need for a rubber dinghy if you're shipwrecked.
Zuba: The pineapple is a more effective buggery tool, but fruits don't often make good rugby players.
Mermaid: I'm a great fan of trees, but I've not yet met one with the gift of the gab. I think you need a dose of reality in the jungle, Mermaid.
Jenny: He wouldn't need to if you did it standing up.
Mutley: I'm sure you'll find many more horrors if you google "women peeing". You could then teach Jenny to pee standing up.
I am bewitched by the mention of your pointers, my hairy friend...
The thought of a little rough justice is almost tantalizing, compelling me to perform my domestic ministrations in a most abominable manner...
The thought of a little rough justice is almost tantalizing, compelling me to perform my domestic ministrations in a most abominable manner...
I suppose it is something similar to kleptomania. Doesn't matter how much money the kleptomaniacs have...They are compelled to steal stuff they could easily have purchased...
it wasn't *quite* in my i live in a city and not a forest...but i get your meaning. however, you've written about it so beautifully...i feel my mediocre commentary would do it an injustice.
I was tied to a tree once, but it never occurred to me that it was supposed to be a bad thing. Thanks for ruining a perfectly good childhood memory.
Well, your solution seems to be prgressive, certainly
"I myself have spreadeagled countless simians on trees before bringing them to justice"
That sounds like a euphemism
"I myself have spreadeagled countless simians on trees before bringing them to justice"
That sounds like a euphemism
Domestic Minx: I would always find you guilty, dear Minx, but would let you choose your own penalty.
Sidhu: Yes, I think that's what motivates the bottom-pincher as well.
Lord Likely: M'Lud, I believe that only your noble organ announces its elevation audibly.
Kara: Many thanks, Sweet Miss, although I think you underrate you own abilities.
Captain Smack: Tying yourself to a smooth little trunk for a wood-on-wood experience is a whole different thing.
Chickybabe: Some of them, ma'am, some of them!
Mosha: 'Bringing to justice' is nearly always a euphemism...for buggery in this case.
Jenny: I'm sure most men would rather watch you do other things. I'd like to see you ride a pogo stick.
Sidhu: Yes, I think that's what motivates the bottom-pincher as well.
Lord Likely: M'Lud, I believe that only your noble organ announces its elevation audibly.
Kara: Many thanks, Sweet Miss, although I think you underrate you own abilities.
Captain Smack: Tying yourself to a smooth little trunk for a wood-on-wood experience is a whole different thing.
Chickybabe: Some of them, ma'am, some of them!
Mosha: 'Bringing to justice' is nearly always a euphemism...for buggery in this case.
Jenny: I'm sure most men would rather watch you do other things. I'd like to see you ride a pogo stick.
Why would a man spy on a woman in a toilet when he could pay a prostitute a few dollars to piss right in front of his face?
Hm. For a few dollars more he could taste a pint of her urine. I hear some people get off on this kind of thing.
Hm. For a few dollars more he could taste a pint of her urine. I hear some people get off on this kind of thing.
Hmmmm ... I'm no anthropological expert, but I'd say you must be one of the most interesting gorillas going. Why didn't Sigourney Weaver detail the blog-keeping habits of the gorillas in the mist?
Cool blog. I'll be back.
Cool blog. I'll be back.
Yoooze funnee. Actually I saw some of this tree bondage the other night while going for a run. Actually, it was more "dodgy man in a bush" on clapham common. And by bush, I do mean leafy foliage... was it one of your simian colleagues peut-etre?
I thought he was hugging a tree which is something quite different.
Whilst in Oregon you should look up one of my favourite bloggers - Old Horsetail Snake (Gene Maudlin on my side-bar). You won't regret it,
Whilst in Oregon you should look up one of my favourite bloggers - Old Horsetail Snake (Gene Maudlin on my side-bar). You won't regret it,
there is plenty of tree bondage at Burning Man, so of course you'd be welcome and it's not too much of a detour even.
(great to meet you)
(great to meet you)
I holiday in Portland (thanks, I shall take that pale comment with gusto) but have never seen such a man. Maybe he has camoflage.
Goth: Is Goth Monkey your trademark then?
Fatman: The actress Sarah Miles drinks her own urine - she says it's good for you.
Kitty: Welcome Kitty. Ms Fossey only knew a few uncultured highland apes, but we all revere her nevertheless.
Mermaid: I hope not. Glad to hear you're keeping fit, but I'd advise taking kick-boxing lessons if you're going for nightly jogs.
Pi: Horsetail Snake? That's a good handle. He must be good at swishing flies.
Jen: Hello Jen. That festival really sounds great. I hope you don't get peeping toms.
Jenny!: Better rub some oil on them!
Mutley: I'm sure Jenny doesn't want to hear about your cock. I prefer the old profile picture, it was more mysterious.
Rosanna: You should have a look at Kara's blog. Your skin is great, creamy rather than pale.
Fatman: The actress Sarah Miles drinks her own urine - she says it's good for you.
Kitty: Welcome Kitty. Ms Fossey only knew a few uncultured highland apes, but we all revere her nevertheless.
Mermaid: I hope not. Glad to hear you're keeping fit, but I'd advise taking kick-boxing lessons if you're going for nightly jogs.
Pi: Horsetail Snake? That's a good handle. He must be good at swishing flies.
Jen: Hello Jen. That festival really sounds great. I hope you don't get peeping toms.
Jenny!: Better rub some oil on them!
Mutley: I'm sure Jenny doesn't want to hear about your cock. I prefer the old profile picture, it was more mysterious.
Rosanna: You should have a look at Kara's blog. Your skin is great, creamy rather than pale.
LMAO and loving the public butt fucking punishment. You've really cheered me up. Now, if you could just offer me a packet of crisps, everything would be just perfect :)
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